Kristen at Motherhood Uncensored has come up with a way to put a little more cash in the hands of some of your favorite bloggers, at a time when most everyone is feeling the effects of the current economic condition. She has decreed this August as "Blog the Recession" month and has launched a campaign that starts tomorrow.
To paraphrase her explanation: During August, just make a "pledge" to click through to the blogs you follow from your feed reader. (And since I know there are newbies who stop by, check here for an explanation of what that's all about.) Extra page views can make a big difference for bloggers who could really use the help or, for people like me who don't have a revenue-producing aspect to their blog, it's just a nice ego boost.
If you want to be a part of it at your own blog, go get a button at Motherhood Uncensored, put it on your site (check out the swingin' pig down there to the right), then ask your readers to click through and do the same within a post. Send Kristen the link to your post, she'll put a link to you on her site and you'll be entered to win some prizes.
I have finally gotten into the swing of using feeds on My Yahoo, so this works for me. If none of that is your thing and/or you don't blog, consider doing what I've been doing on a casual basis lately. At the sites of my favorite bloggers who generate income through ads, I've been making a point of clicking on their ads as often as I can to help line their pockets via the Big Business coffers. (UPDATE: Please note, I am not asking you to do this or suggesting you should. I am only mentioning something that I have been doing - for me this is significant because I usually ignore all ads. I am now clicking on to those that have some relevance to me or that intrigue me. In other words, I'm paying attention to them and trying to be a good consumer; I'm not talking about random click-throughs.)