August 31, 2004

What the World Needs Now

Today is all about love. Because, really, shouldn't every day be about the love? And after all the negativity I put out into the universe yesterday, I feel like I owe it to myself and the world to balance things out, karmically.

Love Note #1 - To: Kimberly at Squoogy. Much love coming your way. Because your kindness and generosity in helping a less-than-savvy blogger get that "Register to Vote" button up there with a minimum of pain was sisterhood at its finest. My thanks and admiration.

Love Note #2 - To Gary Bibb at Bibb's Revenge. Because I'm glad to have you here, for as long as you desire.

Love Note #3 - To Copygodd at Ingrown Brain Stem. Because I think you need some after putting up with Fat Dude's passive-aggressive nature for as long as you have!

Love Note #4 - To Getupgrrl at Chez Miscarriage. Because you are an inspiration to me and to women throughout the blogging world, fertile and infertile alike. Your amazing strength, unflagging humor and absolutely phenomenal storytelling leave me in awe.

Love Note #5 - To cbeck at Feeding the Habit. Because you reminded us that love is among the greatest gifts to be found, let alone given, and your sharing that with us deserves a little love flowing in your direction.