September 10, 2005


Don't run away -- you're in the right place, the decor has just changed a good bit.

Yup, thanks to the magical workings of two of my absolute favorite bloggers, copygodd and Bibb, the Ping has a brand new look! My favorite way to describe it is "purplicious," and I couldn't be more excited.

Sir copygodd ever-so-politely told me that my site rendered like crap and we were off and running, since he was willing to come up with a new scheme. I pulled Sir Bibb in by asking him to do a long-ago-offered new banner for me at the same time. It's not like these guys don't have enough to do on their own stuff, so I'm really indebted to them both and I hope you'll let them know if you like their efforts. If not, well, blame me because they both gave me editorial control and I approved it all.

I know posting here has been pretty light lately. I've been pretty busy and it has left me kind of tired at night. Plus, frankly, it's a lot more fun to play with Finn at the end of the day than to stare at a screen. Hmm, that reminds me, I have some great new pictures a friend took of him to post sometime soon...

In other news, I've finished my post-fracture physical therapy as of yesterday and I got a very good grade in my progress. I've still got a couple weeks of self-directed exercise to do, in order to improve the one area in my range of motion that's still got a hitch in its giddyup. Put your left arm back and up high like you were reaching for someone on a ladder to hand you a hammer or something -- though why you would do that is beyond me -- that's what I can't do. So I've got these nifty little bands to exercise with to help it along and we'll see how that goes. I still don't think there's much rock climbing in my immediate future, however.