March 22, 2008

"Does that make me a whore?"

"...well then it's your own damned fault!"

Interesting how snippets of two different conversations at two different tables, overheard at lunch today in just that way, make you sit up and take notice. It never fails to amaze me how people have these loud, personal conversations when they're sitting out on the patio of a restaurant.

It really reminds me of one of the first blogs I ever got hooked on, (I'd link to it but it looks like it's not working, and hasn't been for a while.) It was a great site run by Eve, who posted these bits of conversation she overheard while living in NYC.

I sometimes wonder if people are so saturated by reality TV that a little part of them believes that they're fascinating enough to be the star of their own show, so they might as well make it easy for the mics to pick up every word.

That, or they're just completely oblivious. You decide. But I'm voting for the latter.