This is the stop sign outside the rangers' booth at the Big Oak Flat entrance gate of Yosemite, which has been inexplicably mangled. The way it has been bent tells me that it has been hit more than once and I find that odd. It's not like you can't tell that the booth is coming up, you have to go slowly, and it's not that narrow a lane. Are people that excited to get in as soon as they fork over their fee?
Maybe I found this really amusing because I had just woken up from a nap. I really like to drive and I used to be the one you could depend on to take on the lion's share of the driving on a road trip. But in the last few years, a little hiccup has developed in that plan. Now I pretty much last an hour to an hour and a half behind the wheel and I start to fall asleep. Put me in the passenger seat and I can hang in there for about a half hour, forty-five minutes tops, and I begin to doze off. This can be highly aggravating, but I do the best I can, then pull over and someone else has to take over.
I have developed a theory that this has to do with allergies, and I'm working on dealing with those now, so there's hope for future trips. For the time being, though, it's drive, STOP, doze for me.
Next episode: Mother May I?