However, because I am deficient in many areas of Web-related knowledge, I cannot put more than one picture up at a time here. (I think I know why I can't do it, I just don't have enough interest in trying to resolve it at this time.)
So I've picked my favorite ones and I'll put 'em up each day until I run out, I get tired of it, or you get tired of it.
Because after the first post-vacation day back at work (ick) I could really use one right about now, this shot is of the best, most refreshing beer I had the whole time:

It's a Snowshoe Weizen that I had in Murphys, CA. Murphys is a wonderful little town near Angels Camp, which you may recognize as the home of Twain's famous jumping frog of Calaveras County. I highly recommend the area for vacationing, should you be visiting Gold Country anytime soon.
I usually go for darker beers, but this went perfectly with the oh-so-California pizza we were having on a warm day. It was a good start to a great long weekend. Sláinte!